T.C.R.C.-The Christian Resource Center

September 16 - James 3:13-15
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Ruach as a designation for the wind is necessarily something found in motion with the power to set other things in motion…The divine designation also apparently has an intensifying function in a few passages: ruach elohim (Gen 1:2) and ruach yhwh (Isa 59:19)” (Theological Lexicon of the Old Testament, “Ruach”). This lexicon also states that ruach (Strongs 7307) implies a power that is within the breath and wind, which is connected to the Name Yahweh. The Holy Spirit is the power emanating from Yahweh, the Heavenly Father. It is Yahweh’s power that puts all things into motion. It is Yahweh’s power through His ruach that breathes life into His creation and makes things live.
The Greek word for Spirit is pneuma (Strongs 4151), which has a similar meaning to the word ruach. “Pneuma; to breathe, blow, primarily denotes the wind. Breath; the spirit which, like the wind, is invisible, immaterial, and powerful” (The Complete Word Study New Testament, “Pneuma”). The word for “spirit” (rucha, ruach) in Aramaic and Hebrew, is feminine whereas in Greek (pneuma), it is neuter in gender. In some occasions in the Greek text, masculine verb endings and pronouns are used with the neuter gender word “Spirit" when speaking about the holy Spirit, and sometimes it is without the definite article - i.e. just “holy Spirit”.
Have a Blessed Lords Day!
T.C.R.C.-The Christian Resource Center


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